Sarah Akhtar

Welcome! Here you will find various projects including UI/UX designs, 3D models, iOS application projects, and much more!


Meta Designs

Branded and prototyped company for connecting with clients to create projects from start to finish.


Coffeel LLC

Coffeel is a limited liability company that changes the dynamic of coffee consumption by introducing a revolutionary self-heating coffee mug and organically produced coffee pods.

Ui/UX Design


Find a new way to shop online with exclusive discounts and other offers through the Wilson app!

iOS Application


Discover American politics with fun quizzes, prediction games, and our exclusive learn articles!

Weather Application Prototype

This application provides users a simplified view of the weather with weekly forcasts.

Sephora Homepage Design

Simple in design and bright with personality, Sephora's design includes a catchy look.

Job Contact Application Prototype

Aimed at the young enthusiasts in the workforce, this design makes newcomer experiences easier.